Soul Mates...Or Not
Dorothy Thompson http://www.new-dating.com
Defining the soul mate relationship as opposed to any other kind of relationship is not so hard once you understand what soul mates are all about. So few people really know how to go about doing this, but it’s not as difficult as it seems.
I had a client not too long ago tell me that she had been with a man for a long time and that she was positive she was totally in love with him—and not lust love—and that she didn’t know how to tell if he was her soul mate and if he felt the same. She wanted to know how she could tell, which is one of the more common questions I hear.
“I’m in love, but is it the real thing?”
The real thing. Just what is the real thing and how can you tell?
First of all, if you are in love with someone, he/she is your soul mate, but just as there are varying degrees of love, there are varying kinds of soul mates. It sounded to me like in this woman’s case, it was the companion soul mate to whom she was referring.
All companion soul mates, unless they choose not to for various reasons, involve intimacy on different levels. The other two kinds of soul mates—karmic soul mates and twin souls—rarely involve sexual relations. Hard to believe, but it’s true.
As with all companion soul mates, these people come into your life for a particular reason. Is it for marriage? Is it to produce offspring?
Only you can determine that as the relationship gets further along, but one thing is for sure: he or she is meant to be a part of your life. No two soul mates come together without a purpose. That is how you can differentiate acquaintances you meet in your daily life from people with whom you share a soul mate bond.
Dorothy Thompson http://www.new-dating.com